Green Leaping Stag tumbler with large pitcherGreen Leaping Stag tumbler with large pitcher
Green Leaping Stag tumbler with large pitcher
Green Leaping Stag Hot Chocolate MugGreen Leaping Stag Hot Chocolate Mug
Green Leaping Stag Hot Chocolate Mug

Gmundner Leaping Stag Tableware

From $62

Produced by Gmundner Keramik
Traditional Austrian earthenware with a hand-painted leaping stag motif, o
riginally produced for the historic Hotel Goldener Hirsch in Salzburg

Tumbler H. 5½ in.
Hot Chocolate Mug H. 4 in.
Pitcher, small H. 7½ x D. 6 in., V. 1 L
Pitcher, large H. 8 x D. 6½ in., V. 1.5 L

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